Hey yall hey!
How y'all living? How y'all feeling? How y'all doing? Hope y'all are doing great!
Ok so boom! It's been a minute since I have been over here on the original form of my content creation but we are back at it and what better way to step back into it than giving a recap of the 2024 outfits. Now listen, if you have been following me on Instagram then you know that your girl up and moved 800 miles across the south to Texas. With that move came struggles but that's a post for another day.
Today, we round up the looks I wore in 2024 and to be honest they were simple but I posted a reel on Instagram and a few of my followers wanted to the looks in a still shots for the option to recreate which I love so of course I had to deliver.
Now most of the items are old and there is probably not a link to be found but if you do want me to do a search for any item let me know in the comments or send me a messgae on Instagram and I will do my best.
Here we go! The 2024 looks:
As I said, I don't think it was anything too crazy however along the way of being in Texas I started to get my mojo back. Also I should mention for the first like 3 months I didn't have a mirror in my apartment besides the counter one in the bathroom. With the circumstances I did pretty well.
Here is to 2025 and more style, more finding myself and more loving myself!
Thank you all for your continued support!
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